Thursday, September 04, 2008

a cry baby, no more

i am crying less and less now. i still waste a tear or two over it but i can safely say that i have moved on. i can listen to anuar zain without shedding a tear. i feel its cool cuz i love anuar zain too much to stop listing to him at all! i am happy that i am no longer grieving (too much).

on top of that, i am back wearing n.asa's favorite shirts and blouses. i avoided everything that has any significance at all to arwah. now, i feel normal plus a little bit of loneliness. no longer hating my samsung hp, i've been trying my luck at a burberry watch. with luck, she can be my baby soon.

i have had a few more tearless days. i can even have a good few days without grieving over my loss. ya rite, its his loss, never mine. sometimes, i even tested my survival skills. i will bring myself back to the times when we were together but most of the times, the good memories are easier ones to recall.

people say its easier to forget when you keep on playing the memories of the not-so-good times. for me, the good times are harder to forget. they stay clear. the bad times are too hurtful. so i re-played the good times so that its normal to miss so that one good day i can completely get over him and even feel grateful for being given the opportunity to meet someone else.

tak sabar nak ade new boyfriend. i want want want a new accessory.


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