Tuesday, April 24, 2007

sleep deprived, sugar high

last weekend, buat kesekian kalinya, my house ade tetamu lagi. lagi lagi orang datang. adeiii... this time its my ever so hateful cousin (read: nak mengaku cousin pun malu) and her family and another family. soo penuh okay. me being myself, kalao ade satu tetamu pun dah agak terasa burden-nya what more when there is two.

and so i had to give away my bed. sakit nyeee hati tengok orang tido atas katil kite. dah la selamber je panjat katil without taking a shower first. aku, kalao tak mandi malam tu alamatnye sakan la alas cadar bagai. so bile org lain gets the luxury of sleeping on my bed, it can be a pretty disturbing sight.

i can't sleep when there is company on my bed, see. i always avoid company. one, geli nak tido dengan orang sebarangan. two, i sleep N****. three, my hands are always over-friendly to the person besides me. when at times i have no other option but to share my bed, my company will be waking up with my hands everywhere on their body.

while i was staying in a hostel, whenever there is someone who needs to crash in my place, i will be staying up all night doing God-knows-what sampailah orang tu bangun tido semula. at home, i have two beds in my room, one is a guest's bed and another one is mine. so kalao orang tu datang sorang je no hal lah kan.

so last weekend since we received more than the number that we can handle, i had to give away my bed. luckily, there was one room vacant for the resident dozed off in front of the tv. selamber je i curi the bed. nasib lar. but still, its not mine and i had to share it with my younger sister and i have to sleep with my baju on as the room has an adjoining bathroom. in the end, still the same sleepless night.

sleep deprivation has caused me to consume all the calories from chocolates, cakes, sweets in search of a sweet fix. its a blessing since arini ade meeting and there was lotsa happy food. lalala nyam nyam. makan lah ry dgn suka hatinya. tapi akhirnya jadi cam zombie sket sbb dah la sleep deprived, sugar high pulak tuh.


Zetty said...

oih...update your blog please!

Rai said...

hehehe...i've been deadly busy...will try to update soon...hope ure doing great there