Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i see the issue

i am single, i see the issue. but i do not see anything that's likable. only Capt. Noor and him alone. does chad michael murray counts? love-sick-puppy. but he is obvi-fucking-ously taken. he hasn't asked me out yet, and how many hints can you drop kan? [loser rai]

i'm sick in the head

my aunt, the only one who has seen arwah nasa before asked me if there is anyone at all i like. thing is, guys are jerks even when they chose you first, what more if they are the chosen ones. so malas la nak pilih u all, i want u to pick me. if i see anything that i like, i will let u know, FIRST. well, first after mom, dad, sisters, brother, and my other parents and maybe maklong, for as long as she is my bed-mate

ravi ke, kanda ke, jalil ke, halim ke or even yogi ke...sume tak meet criteria for all the obvious reasons. i should not even consider considering them. hehehe. they can pay for whatever they want off-the-rack, but not this girl, i'm not yours. i can be your arm candy, but lets just leave it there, at arms length.

i am going for my baseline assessment tom and i haven't prepared and the adorable elderlies in the office are demanding for my undivided attention. how can it be undivided when there is 7 of u there? gile ke hape?


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