Wednesday, November 12, 2008

die menarik perhatian saya...

kami ade beri training...i shall say the TPs yang bagi training...i attended partly to be their crowd puller [bajet comel la tu] and mostly because i should participate and learn as well...

so the group that attended the training were seafarers. kuda laut~~~ i was beyond thrilled...ecstatic i may say...sukeee~~~ ni sume angkara my previous experience on board M/T BK8 in april this year...i was instantly in love~~~

so this time, our TPs are supposed to go on board of M/T BM7 end of this month and some equipments were arranged to be on board earlier than the assessment team. so i have heard of this guy's name before...

when i introduced myself, i ok lagi, xde la cam kene tarik magnet ke ape ke...tapi when he smiled at me je... zasss instantly ok??? i was so drawn in by his effects that i could not turn away...sket2 nak tgk die jugak...

he communicates with his eyes...die ni tau aku dah tangkap lentok ngn die ni...confident je die flirt balek...tapi thanks to him...sbb die, aku happy 2 hari... sbb die aku tau aku leh jatuh cinta lagi...sbb die aku dpt nk rasa bersyukur allah bagi aku peluang untuk jatuh cinta lagi...

sbb die...aku berdoa aku akan jumpa org tu...



Anonymous said...


aderkah bakal abg ipar sy ensem orgnyer

penat sy mengdelete gmbr dr dgcammmm

knp anda tidak menggunakannyer?

Rai said...

itu la...sape suh anda kunci pintu bilik anda? mengecewakan...