Tuesday, October 14, 2008

cita-citaku: Speedy 30 Mini Lin

Saya mau ini...sesungguhnya saya mau.

i want the whole world to know that i heart and crave for this. my baby, oh well, not mine yet but she is definitely a babe. hot one, i may say. saya mau, saya mau. i'm going going to fast and wish for it. i am so going to do it.

just for my speedy 30 mini lin.


Anonymous said...

lorrr awk lmbt ler long!!!

angah dah aim bag tu darik bulan march ari tu~:P

see my march entry:P hahah

anyhow:- all the best of getting it okai! when theres a will theres a way!

Rai said...

biasa la...time stops...thank you to jonker walk. kalao tak nampak yang imitation tu, sumpah tak tergerak nak usha the original one.