Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i just... [2]

in my last entry of me n goldie milestone...i stopped at the part where he asked me out. the plan was to spend a saturday together...October 6th, 2007. i have no idea what his plan was, but he said it was a date, just the two of us. cemas... but i said ok... i was so into him already that time... waiting for his texts and calls... face flustered with afterglows [not from sex though]...

so eager to meet up. nervous and anxious... at other times, i totally forgot what kind of arse he used to be. i turned to be this overly positive and receptive towards him. funny... he texted me daily, on and on and on... he changed from being boring n4s4 to this charming guy... he stopped by at my place when he is in town for meeting and stayed and pretended to read in a cube in from of mine just so that i am within his sight... cute and irresistable...

that friday, we were texting again and i told him i was getting reading to go out when my battery gave away for about 45 mins maybe...when i am back at home, i quickly re-charged my phone and saw few massages asking my whereabouts... cute cute...

he told me that he cant make it saturday... something else came up and thought of seeing me that night itself but its a little late already... say, 2300 hrs? me...being silly said that its okay anyway to meet even if its late... mind you, i got no car... but my father's new car just arrived, so there she goes, jalan2 in a new car... berlagak~

we met in upt0wn. talked and talked until our eyes gave away... tak la... until he said that i probably should go home. hiding my reluctance, i agreed. bid adieu at the car and knocking my head silly for not asking whether or not we will ever go out again. silly. silly.

we texted a few more after that and later i told him what i felt. i told him that he made me happy, i told him i want to spend more time with him. i told him the things that could make him smile. we are an item then, til now...

hope its gonna last...

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